3 Key Content Marketing Strategies To Increase Website Traffic Starting In Month 1

Content Marketing Strategies: You have just started a brand-new website design, published a lot of content and spent a lot of time and money.

2 (two) days later: No traffic.

It’s been 30 (thirty) days: Still no traffic.

Raw, isn’t it?

What if we were able to show you a better way?

It’s time to implement a proven and trusted strategy to rank on the SERPs and drive traffic in the first month.

Is this a quick hack? No.

Is the implementation free? Unfortunately, there isn’t.

Does it work? Sure!

In just 6 months, this strategy generated 100,000 visitors from organic search.

Before we dive into tried and tested strategies, let’s talk about why people say it takes so long for new sites to rank on Google.

Why is it so difficult to rank highly on a new website?

Before delving into this article, you should understand why this problem exists.

The shortest and most powerful answer is: You need to classify the content. The least of your issues are buying links, guest posting, outreach, and employing SEO “experts.”

Instead, focus on: Real needs of readers. Your unique experience. adds new ideas to the web. If you don’t implement these three keys, link building and awareness are irrelevant.

The sooner you get quality content on your website, the sooner you start ranking in the SERPs.

3 Steps To Successful Content Marketing

No matter the niche or business, these three factors are essential for successful content.

If any of these aspects of your material are lacking, you’ve just found your first issue.

Key 1: Provide what the readers want.

If you concentrate on the reader, the search engines will concentrate on you.

In recent years, you’ve probably heard the phrase “Satisfy the search intent” a lot.

The good news is that it isn’t difficult at all.

  • Give the reader what they want and need, and that’s all that’s required:

  • Give a thorough evaluation of the product to your prospects if they want one.

If they ask a question, respond as soon as you can with the information they need.

Key 2: Adopt E-A-T

“Expertise, Authority, and Trust” is abbreviated as E-A-T.

It’s the perfect article’s ultimate summation.

By releasing thoroughly researched content that is supported by statistics, original ideas, and information that is not readily available, you may give your audience this kind of experience.

Aside from the fact that Google really values this idea, it also makes logic.

Consider yourself the reader.

When you require assistance:

  • Wouldn’t you like to read stuff written by someone who is knowledgeable in the subject?

  • Don’t you want knowledge from someone who has credibility and authority?

  • Would you trust someone who simply repeated facts found on the internet?

E-A-T is focused on helping your new website meet Google’s requirements.

Key 3: Come up with something fresh

What distinguishes your material from other online stuff?

Simply write something that is superior to Google’s top 10 results to appear on page 1.

The implementation of keys one and two is the only way to accomplish this.

Here are a few additional strategies you may use to enhance your site’s value and truly ramp up your content:

  • further vids.

  • special infographics and graphics.

  • features of podcasts.

  • Interviews.

  • Case analyses.

  • Audio.

Once you comprehend these three fundamental concepts, everything else flows easily.

Let me now demonstrate how Carl Broadbent’s brand-new website, GardeniaOrganic.com, attracted over 100,000 unique visitors in just six months.

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